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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Best and Worst

Remembering  Johnny Cash lyrics, "God help the beast in me."  All the horrors that repel are enacted by human kin--all of us have the best and worst potentialities. Maybe the anger events often trigger comes from recognizing my own worst and wanting to identify with and be better before the curtain falls. Find my better angel.(Lincoln metaphor.) instead of the beast.

Heart pains reading the Sunday news in the comfort of my chair.   Do parallels arise in your mind between the avoidance of those "looking" at Nazi camps--who knew--but remained silent and "us"--the civilized (?) world which knows but engages in more hand wringing than action in the face of famine, rape, children dying, starvation, mutilation of young females, more?  What have been the financial priorities (war?) that have so distracted and impoverished the so called developed world that a hopeless shrug and a touch of guilt assuaging cosmetic aid is the totality of our national and world response? How can I, you, we act in the face of such a massive horror? I feel driven to act  but numb paralyzing befuddlement in terms of what to do, what can be done. We must find another way to govern and guide in a global web of interdependency.  What are the sermon topics around America today?  Where are the politicians today on a rainy (in my town) gentle fall day? Deciding where to go for lunch?  Watching a game? Preparing asinine news releases seeking to rationalize cruel,  psychotic world views and insane anti-intellectual anti-science diatribes about climate, "creation," economics, pro-voodoo insanity driven by desire to be reelected, feed a frothing base? What will wake us from this national nightmare of  rhetorical push toward darkness and fragmentation?  The appeal of community, compassion, reasoned discourse, integration of our best as humans translated into policy and action. Advancing civilization is not automatic.  We can descend further into primitive responses to a complex world.  We can't have smug certainty and simplicity and at the same time deal with the inherent ambiguity and complexity of the actual human condition.  We need humble leadership grounded in the best education possible and guided by a love for the planet, its creatures, its people. The people with "the simple answers" and who wish to impose their views on others rather than inquire together, study together, plan together, act in a communal interest don't have what our nation and world needs.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The anti-science, anit-intellectual, anti-education, wing of the GOP/Tea Party continues to impose cruelty and stupidity flying under the flag of piety. What a pathetic bunch of losers who impede medical breakthroughs and callously look away from those who suffer but hope for progress. Adding unnecessary suffering to the world is cruelty personified. Get them out of office and let them watch the Scopes Monkey Trial on DVD while cheering for the dumb ass side.
Here is the text of a memo sent by UW-Madison Interim Chancellor David Ward to all members of the state Legislature regarding a bill that would ban the acquisition and use of fetal tissue in scientific research.