cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii The sad story of the damage done to a once proud state--Wisconsin. Analysis of puppet masters who "succeeded."
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii Burning books with which they don't agree is one step from burning people with whom they don't agree.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii D.C.=Posturing, blind, self interested, puffed up, dip shits, dancing the land into the swamp of history.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii Stupidity closing. Insanity nose to nose with it. Hypocrisy staying close on the rail. Watch GOP run US down.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii A spontaneous email today from David R. Wright expressed articulate outrage at the failure of US governance.
dorisatkinson Doris Atkinson
sandinbrick Sandy Dover
Thanks 4 RTs & mentions @CarolDWoodward @MylaReson @tech_pharm @MichaelGalvin01 @hardknoxfirst @cyaiii @TexianLife @dorisatkinson
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@MylaReson @cyaiii Killing of last rhino in park is sad symbol of earth stewardship--pathetic.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii One day free dental clinic exposes huge cavities in health care access in WI. 2000+ wait, some overnight 4 care.
thepriestinhell ewsil mawdebe1
RT @southerntalker: RT @cyaiii: @southerntalker , Agree on POTUS. Brains, heart, articulate, educated, compas… (cont)
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@Min_Reyes @cyaiii I assume Right to Life will argue against death penalty for any pregnant women losing babies and convicted of murder.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@GottaLaff @MikeElk @emptywheel @cyaiii Superb metaphor. Let's change talk of "legal/illegal immigrants" to "freedom to relocate" law.
southerntalker tks
RT @cyaiii: @southerntalker , Agree on POTUS. Brains, heart, articulate, educated, compassionate. Good for US and world. Go Mr. President.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@southerntalker @cyaiii Agree on POTUS. Brains, heart, articulate, educated, compassionate. Good for US and world. Go Mr. President.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii School hard when kids don't have supplies and are hungry as well. WI pols make steady distracting noise.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii Inadequate consumption makes excess consumption look even worse. Empty backpacks and bellies in WI.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@GottaLaff @cyaiii So many of the people screaming about gov't, like Perry, owe the most to gov't. Salary, healthcare, pension, insurance.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii Criminal investigation underway on WI Judge Prosser. Strangles court's work but necessary.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@southerntalker @KatrinaNation @cyaiii Just NJ GOV deflate on MSNBC. LO'D did good job. I think gov had to think (cont)
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@Min_Reyes @Tony_Tracy @cyaiii This kind of wealth differential is obscene on hungry planet. And, rich laud $tatus quo.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@InjusticeFacts @cyaiii 4500X more likely to be in prison if poor. No "bootstraps" at $22,000, limited legal assistance, little hope. Shame!
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@PoliticsNow2011 @cyaiii Empowering women empowers the world. Not "news" but the objective needs all support possible.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@HuffPostPol @cyaiii When SC, associated historically with bigotry, passes such ugly legislation it is retro-shameful.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii WI Justice David "Strangler" Prosser being investigated by Judicial Commission and also Dane County Sheriff.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@thinkprogress @cyaiii How can Pat Robertson stand the God he professes to love and for whom he speaks? A cosmological nut as God- 4 a nut.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii @TomHeadLovesYou Your response to 14 Traits of Fascism was sent to me by a retired Marine Officer. We both appreciated your work.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii @Min_Reyes I taught 42 years. 2 HS. Rest U. A joy to see a young scholar with such meaningful interest and pursuing truth.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii… One author's response to "14 traits of Fascism " article which had been posted. @Min_Reyes I enjoy her blog.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii Read this succinct refutation of WI Sup. Ct. Justice "Strangler" Prosser's "The bitch made me do it" defense.
Kiyosaki_Robert Robert Kiyosaki
RT @cyaiii @OvertDictionary @cyaiii Our tax dollars paying private prison corps. $120,000 per prisoner. Lock 'em up and bill us! Cage...
DanielWilliaam Daniel William
RT @cyaiii (C.Y. Allen)@OvertDictionary @cyaiii Our tax dollars paying private prison corps. $120,000 per prisoner. Lock 'em up and b...
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@OvertDictionary @cyaiii Our tax dollars paying private prison corps. $120,000 per prisoner. Lock 'em up and bill us! Cages trump schools.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@sickjew @cyaiii "Terrorist grabs dissenter by neck in attempt to intimidate those who share her views:…" Sounds like WI.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
#Prosserresign @cyaiii Article differentiates choking and strangling. Includes guidance on some relevant WI statutes.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
#Prosserresign @cyaiii If Weiner grabbing own crotch and displaying via tweets requires resignation, grabbing female jdg, by throat does.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii #WI Article argues Prosser action, if proven, would warrant a felony charge under WI law.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii US state laws taking issue of "choking," "strangling," grabbing by the throat very seriously. Checking WI. now.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii #WI Justice Prosser alleged to have choked female WI Sup. Ct. Justice. A justice choking judge? GOP picks 'em.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii Weiner eligible for sizable pension. USA, privileged few with gov't health plans/big pensions. Most struggle.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii Making love in the street as a riot goes on in the street. Too bad all present didn't follow lover's lead.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@TheNewDeal @cyaiii "One day of Bush tax cuts to millionaires would pay for food assistance GOP is slashing." Dear God, save us from GOP.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@AncientProverbs @cyaiii Old age is often the best provision for receptivity to education.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@PirateWench @cyaiii Mitt using "who let the dogs out?" was exemplary of the cliche stuffed mind he brings to new and old complex issues.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii The earth is a dangerous place for women. Afghanistan rated as the worst. Genuine respect and equality rare.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii Radioactive whales caught over 400 miles from Japan. Sorry they were "caught." Sorry they were poisoned.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii #onlyinUSA could an "ally"-Pakistan-fail to provide visas to CIA officers working in "joint intel" operation.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii #onlyinUSA does an "ally"--Pakistan--arrest 5 who helped USA finally find and eliminate OBL.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii #onlyinUSA USA internationally ranks 36th for men and 33rd for women in life expectancy. #1 in $ for care.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@GottaLaff @SallyKohn @cyaiii Sadly our gov'ts are often more concerned with boundaries than bodies. Lines on maps trump flesh on persons
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii WI Gov.Dick Tater pulled a sneak shot on small craft brewers to benefit of big industry players.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@GottaLaff @cyaiii Fake candidates more a threat than a few fraudulent voters. More expensive too it seems,
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@PirateWench @cyaiii JFK religious issue was would Pope him. Ridiculous. Romney issue whether his religious beliefs control him. Yikes.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii #onlyinUSA Can u empty mental hospitals under flag of civil liberties and see a new GOP find new candidates to take down the flag. ?
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii #WI #WIGOV Editor calls WI a "defacto right wing dictatorship" under Walker. WI Gov. Dick Tater plans phase two.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@PirateWench @Pres_Bartlet @cyaiii Maine GOP mad at Dems for stealing GOP strategy. Now "poor" might actually vote personal interest.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii @politicsNow2011 "John Boehner Pokes... Weiner" Least of his damaging hobbies.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@amandacarpenter @cyaiii Portapotty on Pentagon roof? For realistic procurement bids.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii Lee Siegel, Daily Beast, brings humanity, sanity, to argument about private and public behavior. Superb work.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@AJEnglish @cyaiii Difference in principle of Libyan citizens's need for protection from insane dictatorship and Syria's is ?????
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii Majority view- avoid unwanted pregnancy. But if pregnant, gov't stays out of the decision! Pro Life&Pro Choice.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii @joanwalsh "The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury." Marcus Aurelius
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@beatitudes @thinkprogress @daveweigel @cyaiii I know who Lutz is and your question remains relevant.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@bellaluna155 @cyaiii Another killer T. You keep a smile on many faces. Palin does offer so much to ghoul.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@JohnFugelsang @cyaiii Captures the inherent contradictions in the fundy "read." Turns wisdom lit into stupid lit. TY for great T.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@cyaiii @bigmlongoria @bellaluna155 RWNJ praises less gov't and more "freedom. But, intrusions into personal/ medical isssues staggering.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@beatitudes @cyaiii Willie Nelson will let the Founding Fathers ride on his bus. Palin would throw them under hers--or has.
RedScareBot Robot J. McCarthy
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@bellaluna155 @cyaiii When you lose a follower it says more about them than you. Keep "saying." The 12 have lost you.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@beatitudes @cyaiii Trump is bringing the truth he has clobbered to add to Palin's too long dead fishy contribution to menu. Menu stinks.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@USRealityCheck @cyaiii When Trump and Palin dine the only item on the menu is bull and fishy.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@USRealityCheck @cyaiii Pakistani journalist was threatened and still sought to find and report the truth. A model of journalistic courage.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@JohnFugelsang @cyaiii Slapping a political label on acts of love and compassion does not refute the acts as "Christian."
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@thinkprogress @TPEquality @cyaiii How many gays? Precisely the number God and nature intended. People period. People. All our human kin.
cyaiii C.Y. Allen
@HuffPostPol @Samsteinhp @cyaiii Rising number of Hispanic voters will have clout to elect humane immigration pols.
Your Tweets1,065
@cyaiii Is apathy a necessary temporary respite to rest the soul and be prepared once again for struggle?
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